原标题:美国TOP100会计专业背景要求,零背景能申哪些大学 ?
在美国金融界最吃香的是数量金融/计量金融/数学金融/金融工程。而会计留美的难度是最低的 ,因为美国需要大量的会计专业人才,美国对会计专才需求量大,是留学生留美就业的好选择。
BTV留学生金牌规划师 :想要留学的小伙伴直接联系,24小时为您全方位规划留学。
Northeastern University ,MSc in Accounting(或至少满足学校先修课要求)
University of Washington-Seattle,Master of Professional Accounting
Purdue University,MSc in Accounting
University of Wisconsin--Madison,Integrated Master of Accountancy
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,Master of Accountancy (会计或金融专业)
University of Alabama,Master of Accountancy
University of Missouri,Master's of Accountancy
Boston College,MSc in Accounting(秋季入学只招收会计背景,非会计背景只能申请夏季入学)
College of William and Mary,Master of Accounting(春季入学只招收会计背景,秋季入学不限制背景)
University of Wisconsin--Madison,Graduate Master of Accountancy
University of Southern California,Master of Business Taxation for Working Professionals (On Campus & Online)(3门,只有1门提供补课)
Wake Forest University,MSc in Accountancy (5门)
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor, Master of Accounting (5门)
College of William and Mary,Master of Accounting (7门,只有5门提供补课;秋季不限专业,春季只收会计背景)
Case Western Reserve University,Master of Accountancy (9门,只有3门提供补课)
University of California-Irvine,Master of Professional Accountancy (8门,只有4门提供补课)
University of Miami, Master of Accounting (9门,只有6门提供补课)
University of Miami,MSc in Taxation(9门,提供暑期在校补课,偏向商科背景)
Fordham University ,MS in Accounting (3门,可在第一学期修读)
Fordham University ,MS in Taxation (3门,可在第一学期修读)
Southern Methodist University,MSc in Accounting (3门)
University of Pittsburgh,MSc in Accounting (6门)
Texas A&M University,MSc in Accounting (4门,偏向会计背景)
Virginia Tech ,Master of Accounting and Information Systems(没有具体先修课程List,需要跟学校确定,但如果学校认为不满足要求可以延长至2年)
University of Vermont ,Master of Accountancy (8门,只有2门提供补课)
Washington University in St. Louis,Master of Accounting (1门)
University of Notre Dame,MSc in Accountancy (7门,要求商科背景)
Vanderbilt University,Master of Accountancy (4门)
Vanderbilt University,MAcc Valuation (4门)
University of Virginia,MSc in Accounting (5门)
University of Southern California,Master of Accounting (夏季入学3门,秋季入学7门)
University of Southern California,Master of Business Taxation(夏季入学3门,秋季入学7门)
New York University,MS in Accounting (7门)
University of Rochester,M.S. in Accountancy (6门)
University of California-Davis,Master of Professional Accountancy (3门)
Lehigh University,MS Accounting and Information Analysis (商科背景6门先修课,且不提供在校补课;非商科背景要读2年,第一年读9门先修课,第二年读正式课程)
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign,MSc in Accountancy(3门,要求商科背景)
University of Florida,Master of Accounting(6门)
University of Texas—Austin,Master in Professional Accounting (5门)
Ohio State University,Master of Accounting (5门)
Tulane University,Master of Accounting (4门)
Clemson University,Master of Professional Accountancy(30 semester hours in the business and 18 (or 21) semester hours of upper division accounting)
University of Maryland--College Park,MS in Accounting (2门)
American University,MSc in Accounting (4门)
Baylor University,Master of Taxation (7门)
Baylor University,Master of Accountancy (7门)
Indiana University—Bloomington,MSc in Accounting (9门)
Marquette University,MS in Accounting (6门,偏好会计背景)
Miami University—Oxford,Master of Accountancy (19门)
University of Delaware,MS in Accounting (5门)
Michigan State University,MSc in Accounting(3门)
Binghamton University—SUNY,MS in Accounting (12门)
University of Alabama,Master of Tax Accounting(7门)
University of Colorado—Boulder,MS Business Administration Accounting (4门)
University of Denver,Master of Accountancy(7门)
University of San Diego, MSc in Accountancy / MSc in Taxation (9门)
St. Louis University,Master of Accounting (5门)
University of Georgia,Master of Accountancy(录取后才会告知先修课)
American University,MS in Taxation(官网没有列明先修课要求,学校表示需要看成绩单才能确定是否满足要求。)
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,Master of Accounting
Boston College,MSc in Accounting (非会计背景夏季入学,会计背景秋季入学)
George Washington University,Master of Accountancy
University of Iowa,Master of Accountancy(非会计、非商科背景需要修读更长的课程)
Clark University ,MS in Accounting(prior coursework in quantitative methods is recommended)
Drexel University - MS in Accounting(学校表示,无专业背景要求,但从录取上看,更偏向录取商科背景)
Florida State University,Master of Accounting Program for Non-Business Undergraduate Majors(给非会计、非商科专业的申请者申请,长度为两年)
Lehigh University,MS Accounting and Information Analysis (商科背景,6门先修课且不提供在校补课,非商科背景要读2年,第一年读9门先修课,第二年读正式课程)
Virginia Tech,Master of Accounting and Information Systems(不满足先修课要求的课程长度可以延长为2年,满足先修课要求长度为12-18个月)
BTV留学生金牌规划师 :想要留学的小伙伴直接联系,24小时为您全方位规划留学。
MIT,MSc in Management Studies-Accounting & Control concentration(要求申请者已完成或正在攻读非美国地区的MBA学位或相关的Master学位)
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign,Master of Accounting Science(只提供给本校会计本科的学生申请)
Pennsylvania State University,Master of Accounting(国际生只招美本或者在美工作的学生,并要求6门先修课)
University of Miami - Accelerated Master of Accounting/ Accelerated Master of Science in Taxation(只提供给本校的会计本科学生申请)
Pepperdine University,MSc in Accounting(只招收美本学生,并要求会计相关专业背景)
Brigham Young University,Master of Accountancy(只提供给美国会计本科或商科的学生申请,并要求12门先修课,不提供补课)
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersy,Master of Accountancy in Financial Accounting(不招收国际学生,9门先修课不提供补课)
Texas Christian University,Professional Program in Accounting(To be considered, all international students must hold an undergraduate degree from an AACSB-accredited U.S. university,6门先修课)
University of Massachusetts—Amherst,MSc in Accounting(项目不发F1签证,只适合美国永久居民或其他不需要F1签证的人申请,6门先修课不提供补课)
University of Connecticut,MSc in Accounting(不招收国际生)
2020-05-07 15:26
2019-12-13 14:58
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